Careers Guidance: Student Information

Our students have access to careers guidance in a variety of ways:

  • In Year 9, there is dedicated time during PSHE lessons covering such things as GCSE and BTEC options, local labour market information, managing money, post-16 progression, interview techniques and writing letters of application. 
  • In Year 10, students complete a one week work experience. Selection for this, and further information, are available in the autumn term. This is always a highly successful, worthwhile and valuable experience for the students. Unfortunately, due to age restrictions and demand, it is not always possible to match a student’s career aspirations with a work placement, particularly in fields such as medicine, dentistry and veterinary. All placements are vetted.
  • In addition, there are many other careers inputs through assemblies and events such as Employability and Enterprise Days, Year 9 Options Evening, post-16 and post-18 Progression Evenings, a Top University and a Top Apprenticeship Event and Sixth Form Open Evening. 
  • We have a dedicated Oxbridge tutor who helps students plan and make applications to Oxford and Cambridge. For any student considering medicinal/veterinary careers, we provide them with the necessary guidance and interview practice.
  • Moreover, we have a unique Alumni Event, which allows Year 11 and Sixth Form students to meet some of our very best past students, gaining advice and work experience opportunities.

Labour Market Information can be found here.

We recommend the use of Careerometer to find and compare different jobs using factors such as salary, working hours and predicted growth.

Use this link, then click on the dotted square.

  • Type in the careers are in which you think you might be interested, e.g. dentist.
  • Select from the drop down list. This will then show you pay, hours and workforce growth.
  • To find out what the job involves, click on 'more information'.
  • Then add your second choice to see the comparison.

Please click here for some useful websites and here for a number of useful webinars.

For further information on Sixth Form and College Open Events please click here.