Privacy Notice
We routinely share pupil information with schools that pupils attend after leaving us, our local authority (BCP Council), and the Department for Education (DfE). In the case of BCP Council and the DfE, this includes them having a live link to our Management Information System, Arbor, to allow them to extract required information; as well as through statutory returns to both bodies (for example, but not exclusively, the school census, destinations returns, and funding returns). These returns can be administered through online portals like (but not exclusively) DfE Secure Access and the School Admissions Module, as well as through the transfer of electronic or paper records. We are legally obliged to do this to comply with our statutory duties, and in the case of other schools, to ensure data portability between schools. All data is transferred securely.
In addition, we regularly share student information with a number of organisations with the purposes of furthering teaching and learning and providing additional support and guidance to students. Our legal basis for doing this is that it is in the public interest and the interest of the students to enable them to access resources that will enhance their learning. The full list of organisations is:
Name |
Information shared |
Reason |
Access Reading Tests (Hodder Education) |
Name, Gender, DOB, English class, UPN |
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have their details uploaded to the ART database in order to access Reading Tests, which help us to put specialist literacy and English support in place where necessary. |
Active Learn |
Name, Languages class, school email, DOB Username and Password created for each student |
Students in Years 10 and 11 who study French or Spanish have access to online GCSE resources to complement their languages lessons. |
Admissions+ (Applicaa) |
Data shared by school for new admissions – name, gender, DOB, parent contact Data shared by school for year 11’s – name, gender, DOB, ethnicity, exam results, guardians/contact data, medical surgery, Arbor ID Further data added by parents &, in year 11, students, for moving across to Arbor |
Admissions+ is the software we use to collect student data for all new admissions, alongside being the platform we use to host the sixth form application/admission process. Parents (for new admissions) and students (for sixth form application) are provided with a login which they can use to add and update to their personal information &/or application as appropriate |
ALPS (Twynham Sixth Form Only) |
Name, Gender, ID Number, DOB, Ethnicity, Classes, Exam Results, GCSE APS, assessment data, KS5 disadvantaged data |
We upload Year 12 and 13 students’ data in order to assess how they are performing against national benchmarks. |
Arbor |
All information we hold about our students is uploaded to and/or recorded on Arbor. This includes information we hold on guardians and other contacts Staff have permissions -controlled access to this. |
Arbor is our Management Information System and houses all the information categories detailed above. Staff need access to this in order to perform the basic duties of their role (e.g. to inform teaching and learning, to be able to contact parents). It is also used for communication and payment functions, and parents can view limited student data via the Arbor Parent Portal. |
Brilliant Club |
Name, Ethnicity, UPN, DOB, Gender, Postcode, PP Status, KS2 Assessment Scores. For Sixth Form students, their GCSE results and total points score. |
Parental permission for us to share this data is sought by The Brilliant Club themselves. Separate permission is sought by them to obtain students' ethnicity. This data allows The Scholars Programme to track the progress of those in the Brilliant Club. Students benefit from PhD standard tuition and mentoring. |
Classoos |
Name, school email address and year group and teaching classes |
We use Classoos to provide students with access to online textbooks for various subjects. |
Collins Adapt |
Name, school email address and year group/class name |
Online science resources which aid in extending and consolidating student learning. |
Compass+ |
Name, surname, student identifier, attendance record, class information Students enter additional information by way of questionnaire responses |
Used by careers department to evaluate careers activity against the eight benchmarks of best practice (Gatsby Benchmarks). |
CSW Group |
Name, surname, DOB, school, SEN, assessment data, skills and interests, career ideas and education and employment plans. |
The CSW Group provide us with a database of Work Experience placements for our Year 10 and Sixth Form students. Information is transferred to them securely by us in order to facilitate the matching of students to work experience placements. All information transferred is held securely by CSW and is erased once the student has completed their allotted placement. |
Dr Frost |
Name, Surname, school email address and Maths group. |
All students in Years 9-11 are uploaded to this software, which helps them to access their GCSE Mathematics curriculum. Each student is issued with an account via email and can set their own unique, secure password. |
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme |
Name, surname, DOB, email address and Ethnicity. |
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is offered to students and overseen by designated members of staff. Consent is obtained from parents for students to take part in the Award. In order to obtain the Award, there is a need for the organisation to receive the appropriate data from us. |
Everlearner |
Name, student email |
Online learning platform used by the PE department to consolidate and assess learning, in Year 10 and above. Students have accounts to access this. |
Evolve (eduFocus) |
Name, surname, UPN, admissions number, tutor group, class information, gender and medical and contact data |
This software is supplied by Dorset County Council in order that we can efficiently organise and run school trips. Pupil data is uploaded so that we can organise who is going on which trip. Any supplementary medical information and consent is confirmed and/or supplied by the parents themselves at the point of signing the student up for the trip in question. |
Exam Boards (including, but not limited to, AQA, Pearson, OCR) |
Legal Forename and Surname, Middle names, gender, DOB, Candidate Number, ULN, UCI, year group, qualifications being entered for and relevant unit codes and tier of entry, coursework marks or grades. For students needing special consideration, we would also submit brief details of the situation / medical condition leading to disadvantage during exams or coursework. This would include names of figures of authority, such as the student's Hospital Consultant. |
The exam boards require us to provide this information in order for the exams to be successfully administered. Please note that Legal Forename and Surname are the details that appear on the birth certificate. Exam Boards require information for all students sitting public examinations; this normally involves students in Year 10 upwards. |
EzyScience |
Student names, email addresses and Science class are used to provide accounts for students to login and access the materials. Student Science assessment data is analysed anonymously. |
EzyScience is an online platform featuring revision videos and assessments. This is used with our Year 10 and Year 11 students within the Science department. |
FFT Aspire |
Name, DOB, UPN, Gender, SEN status, pupil premium status, teaching groups |
FFT Aspire are able to calculate using the students’ KS2 scores where the student should be at various points in their education. We use this information to assess ourselves. Since Autumn 2022 FFT take detailed pupil demographic data (like ethnicity) and teaching class data, directly via a link from our MIS, Arbor. |
Harrison |
Name, surname, tutor group, FSM data |
Harrison are our appointed school meals service. In order to provide this service, Harrison need to be provided with relevant personal data. In the case of FSM students, Harrison need to be able to identify these students in order that they can access their entitlement. |
Isaac Physics |
Name, school email, teaching group |
Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students have access to online GCSE and A Level resources to extend and consolidate their learning. |
Student exam details, plus details of any disabilities / learning needs / medical conditions relevant to Access Arrangements for public examinations. |
Students requiring Access Arrangements during the exam period, such as word processing or extra time, have their details shared with JCQ in order for this to be approved. Students will be asked to sign a data protection notice before the application is made. |
Kerboodle |
Name, UPN, student email address, teaching group information A username and password is given to each student. |
Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students have access to online GCSE and A Level resources to extend and consolidate their learning. |
Librarian+ |
Name, Year, Tutor group, ID number and SEN flag. The SEN does not contain details of the need itself. |
This is the software used by our librarian to register which books have been borrowed by which students. |
Looked After Call |
Name, UPN, Attendance – the information will only be sent if it matches BCP’s records. |
BCP are sent the daily attendance of children under their care directly from Arbor. |
Microsoft - including Office 365 |
Name, year group, tutor group, membership of class groups and email address |
Provides students with access to the suite of Microsoft Office 365 software (Word, Excel, OneNote, Teams etc.) |
The Music in Secondary Schools Trust (TGS Only) |
Name, School year, DOB, gender, student attainment information |
The Music in Secondary Schools Trust are delivering the Andrew Lloyd Webber programme at TGS in academic year 2022/2023. The data we share is essential for the running of the programme, and evaluation of its success. |
Music First |
Name, Surname and Music group. |
This applies to all students in Years 7 and 8, then all students in Years 9-13 who have chosen to study Music. This piece of software allows us to provide online Music resources to enhance remote teaching learning. |
MyConcern |
Name, Surname, DOB, gender, ethnicity, religion, first language, photo, year group, tutor group, whether the pupil record is active, contacts, sibling information, disability flag, medical flag, FSM, SEN, in care flag, attendance, PP flag. Information on safeguarding incidents will be recorded by staff on the platform. |
This is safeguarding software which is used across Twynham Learning. It allows staff to quickly and securely raise concerns about students’ wellbeing which are then forwarded to the appropriate designated staff. Much of the information is drawn from Arbor to be used as an identifier, to aid in understanding the issues that the child may have, and to facilitate contact between home and school. Data is stored securely and access to the data is permissions based. MyConcern is also used to send relevant safeguarding information on to relevant authorities, like new schools, as part of our legal obligation. |
Nationwide Retail |
Name, Surname, FSM Status, Photograph, Allergies, Wisepay balance, algorithm of fingerprint (with parental permission granted via Admissions+ or Arbor). |
Nationwide Retail are the company that provide us with the facilities to offer cashless catering. We share with them the names, FSM status, photograph and allergies that we have on record for our students using a link to Arbor. The photograph is necessary as a double check that students can not access each others' catering accounts. The allergy information ensures that students are not sold something that they could potentially suffer an allergic reaction from. The Wisepay balance is via a link from Nationwide to Wisepay and is not accessible to administrative or catering staff in school. The algorithm of the fingerprint is taken only where parental permission has been established for the student via our various parental portals. If we have been unable to establish consent, or consent has not been granted, we will issue the student with a key fob instead. All algorithms are secured on our biometric server on site and are not accessible to staff or students. |
NHS professionals including School Nurse and therapists |
The NHS draws information initially from the School Census (a statutory return to the DfE) and then double checks this against information provided by the school. This could include name, surname, gender, DOB, address, year group and tutor group. They may also request information on a case-by-case student on individuals they are working with, with parental knowledge. |
The NHS provide vaccinations to our students in different year groups in liaison with our medical team. Information is provided to parents in advance of such events. Sometimes therapists working with individual students (i.e. speech & language therapists, physiotherapists) may request additional information about how a students is progressing, and to facilitate further support. |
Onshape |
Student name, email address, and year of course completion |
Cloud based 3D CAD modelling software, used by the technology department to support and consolidate student learning. Students create accounts for this when prompted. |
Parents Evening System (School Cloud - part of the TES family) (Twynham School and Sixth Form only) |
This links directly to Arbor and collects name, surname, DOB, year group, tutor group, and class details. Parental contact information is also accessed in order to provide parents a log in to the system. |
This service allows parents to book their Parents Evening appointments online and allows teachers and admin staff to manage bookings. Video appointments are also hosted online. |
Persepective Lite |
Student name, dob, home contact details, future destinations date, exam results and key demographic data (EAL, PP, SEN) |
Perspective Lite is a secure file sharing site, used by BCP Council, which allows us to send and receive data, both statutory and non-statutory, required to work on analysis and data collection and return projects. It allows the secure sharing of information without the risks that come with email transfer. |
Plickers |
Name, surname and maths group |
Online maths questions which aid in extending and consolidating student learning. |
Police / Child Services |
Relevant data about children, determined on a case by case basis, who are exposed to suspected or actual domestic abuse, alongside other critical safeguarding issues. |
In cases of suspected/actual domestic abuse, we receive alerts from the Police, via Children’s Services and we share any data with them as necessary, to protect children. |
Presence Management |
Student name, ID number, tutor group |
This is the software used to facilitate sign in and out at all Twynham Learning sites. Twynham Sixth Form students use their ID badge to sign out of site in the afternoon. |
Reading Plus |
Name, DOB, student number, tutor group, English class, EAL status |
This is online software which assesses students reading ability and comprehension skills. It then provides appropriate activities to improve skills. |
Reading Solutions UK |
Name, email address, year group Students are given a username and password to access the site. |
This is an online programme designed to encourage progress in reading and is used by our student support staff to encourage students to read. |
Salamander |
Name, student ID, year group |
Salamander is the software used to create account and generate logins to the school’s computer systems. |
School Vouchers |
Name, surname, parental details including email address and phone number, year group, tutor group and FSM information. |
This piece of software allows us to fulfil our obligations to free school meals students. It uses the free school meal flag and parental data to allow us to issue vouchers to these families. |
Secure Testing for Schools (GL Assessment) |
Name, surname, UPN, DOB, EAL status and classing information A secure access code is given to each student for each test. |
All Year 7 students are CATs tested and screened for Dyslexia on entrance to the school. Students joining in other year groups do the dyslexia screener. This guides teaching groupings and informs teaching staff as to the students' underlying abilities, and helps students receive the necessary support. |
Seneca |
Name, email address, year group, teaching group data Students are given a username and password to access the site. |
Seneca is used by multiple departments to provide subject relevant resources. Students are provided with a username and password to access the site. |
Springpod |
Student name, age, DOB, education information/work experience provided by student, ethnicity, gender. |
Online platform providing virtual work experience and placement opportunities, used by our careers department. Students are given individual accounts to access the site | (Capita) Legacy Software |
All information we held on students who were on roll on or before February 2022 is held on our legacy SIMS database. It is no longer updated or accessible to most staff. |
SIMS is our former Management Information System, which was replaced by Arbor in February 2022. Whilst it is no longer updated, we retain a backup of this data until all students for whom data was recorded there have left the school. A limited number of senior administrative staff and IT staff have access to this. |
SISRA Analytics |
Name, gender, SEN, ethnicity, FSM, PP, LAC, EAL, tutor group, classes, assessment data (including historic data like KS2 results) & exam results. |
We use SISRA to track students’ assessment data through the school. This is analysed and pupils needing academic or pastoral support are identified. |
Southern Universities Network (SUN) |
Name, DOB, gender, address, year group, FSM/LAC status |
SUN are the primary administrators of the UniConnect programme which the careers department use to provide opportunities and support for students in years 9-13 to experience Higher Education possibilities. |
Sparx Maths (including Hegarty) |
Name, DOB, Gender, UPN, student email address |
Students are given personal accounts to this website, which supports them as they move through the Mathematics curriculum. Teachers are able to track achievement and identify areas of strength and weakness, encouraging response teaching and a more personalised experience. Hegarty, which many students have access to, are part of the Sparx ‘family’ of products |
Stevensons |
Name, surname, parental details including email address and phone number, year group, tutor group and Pupil Premium information. |
We share limited data with school uniform suppliers to allow us provide support for students who are entitled to additional financial support with school supplies. |
Times Table Rockstars |
Name, Year, Gender, Maths class. |
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have their details uploaded to access resources related to recall of Times Tables. |
Wisepay |
Name, Tutor group, Address, Post Code and parental email address are extracted from Arbor. A secure username and password are generated per student for parents to use. |
This is the school’s standalone payment System (some payments are now made through Arbor). We continue to use Wisepay for meal payments and some school trips. |
Wonde |
Wonde can access all student data held in Arbor and acts as an intermediary. Each piece of software is given the minimal access to student/parent/staff data that it needs to function correctly, as per this document. |
An exporter called WONDE sits between Arbor and much of the software/online platforms listed here, to facilitate automatic uploads and refreshes of data. This eliminates the potential for human error and means that data is removed from this software as soon as the student has been marked as left in Arbor. |
Word Shark |
Name, year group, school ID and/or email address |
This is a spelling programme used by the literacy department to consolidate learning. |
Yellow Photography |
Name, ID Number, year group and tutor group. |
To enable the student to be photographed for school records and for parents to purchase. These photos are stored on Arbor to help staff in identifying students |
Zero Gravity (Twynham Sixth Form Only) |
Name, DOB, school email address, contact information, attainment data. Further information may be input by the student |
Mentoring platform used by the Sixth Form team, which students would have details and for, and an account for, if using the service. |
Zuludesk |
Name, surname, email address, IP address, year group, class information |
Zuludesk is our iPad management software. It allows us to deploy apps to iPads and monitor the safety of the students while the iPads are in use. |
We publish photographic images of students on our website, across social media, in publicity documents and on marketing materials, and within our school newsletters. Parental consent will be sought for each student in order for this to happen. Sixth Form students will be consulted directly and asked to give their consent.
Data collection requirements:
To find out more about the data collection requirements placed on us by the DfE (for example, via the school census) go to
Youth support services: Pupils aged 13+
Once our pupils reach the age of 13, we pass pupil information to our local authority and/or provider of youth support services as they have responsibilities in relation to the education or training of 13-19 year olds under section 507B of the Education Act 1996. This enables them to provide youth support services and careers advisers. A parent or guardian can request that only their child’s name, address and date of birth is passed to their local authority or provider of youth support services by informing us. This right is transferred to the student once they reach the age of 16.
Youth support services: Pupils aged 16+
We will also share certain information about pupils aged 16+ with our local authority and/or provider of youth support services as they have responsibilities in relation to the education or training of 13-19 year olds under section 507B of the Education Act 1996. This enables them to provide post-16 education and training providers, youth support services, and careers advisers.
For more information about services for young people, please visit the Dorset County Council website.
The National Pupil Database (NPD)
The NPD is owned and managed by the Department for Education and contains information about pupils in schools in England. It provides invaluable evidence on educational performance to inform independent research, as well as studies commissioned by the Department. It is held in electronic format for statistical purposes. This information is securely collected from a range of sources including schools, local authorities and awarding bodies.
We are required by law, to provide information about our pupils to the DfE as part of statutory data collections such as the school census and early years’ census. Some of this information is then stored in the NPD. The law that allows this is the Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2013. To find out more about the NPD, go to
The department may share information about our pupils from the NPD with third parties who promote the education or well-being of children in England by:
- conducting research or analysis
- producing statistics
- providing information, advice or guidance
The Department has robust processes in place to ensure the confidentiality of our data is maintained and there are stringent controls in place regarding access and use of the data. Decisions on whether DfE releases data to third parties are subject to a strict approval process and based on a detailed assessment of:
- who is requesting the data
- the purpose for which it is required
- the level and sensitivity of data requested: and
- the arrangements in place to store and handle the data
To be granted access to pupil information, organisations must comply with strict terms and conditions covering the confidentiality and handling of the data, security arrangements and retention and use of the data.
For more information about the department’s data sharing process, please visit:
For information about which organisations the department has provided pupil information, (and for which project), please visit the following website:
To contact DfE:
Your rights
You have the right to:
- Be informed about how we use your personal data.
- Request access to the personal data that we hold on you.
- Request that your personal data is amended if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
- Request that your personal data is erased where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.
- Request that the processing of your data is restricted.
- Object to your personal data being processed.
Where the processing of your data is based on your consent (for example, photographic images), you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.
Contact and Concerns
If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice, please contact the Data Protection Officer at Twynham Learning by email at or by phone at 01202 878073.
If you have a concern about the way we and/or the DfE are collecting or using your personal data, you can raise a concern with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted on 0303 123 1113, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.